Product Number

Q: Is it possible for God to create a tomato sauce with so much pepper in it that even I cannot eat it? (A: Yes, it is.)

I've been half-following this P.N.03 game for a while, despite the incredibly stupid tagline on the Website. What initially appealed to me, besides the pretty, cleanly-designed graphics, was that every site previewing the game described the premise with something along the lines of, "Vanessa Schneider [the protagonist] battles robots with the help of her laser gun." No epic storyline, no promise of a cinematic feel or immersive environments that "make it seem like you're inside the game," just some woman and her laser gun. It sounded delightfully simple.

So apparently some changes took place between the initial screenshots and the game's release. An updated, more accurate synopsis would likely read: "Vanessa Schneider shoots laser beams out of her palms while performing crazy dance moves." Go to the Website and look at the trailers for a better idea of just how zany it is. It does begin to look sort of cool after a minute so it's not like it's a bad thing, but wow! What a crazy idea. KEEEEEEEEE-RAZAY!!!!!

Also, I guess the early screens never really showed Vanessa's face since they were typical, behind-the-character shots, so I had no idea she looked like a Revo ad.

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