Last MGS2: Substance update

During the last few weeks of the quarter, I commented on how I was neglecting updating this thing. The funny thing is, I've been done for nearly a week now and I still haven't updated.

Mostly what I've been doing around at home is doing research on computer parts and playing unhealthy amounts of Metal Gear. Substance is really reversing any hostile thoughts I had toward director/producer Hideo Kojima after MGS2 first came out. So far I've collected about 200 of the dogtags and I'm itching to go collect some more, just because the gameplay is so spot-on. It also makes me giddy to harass enemy soldiers with the stealth camouflage. (Which, by the way, seems like an even cheatier cheat than outright invincibility would be. I mean, you are invisible in a game where the objective is not to be seen. It just turns each stage into a new playground.) I may still have issues with Hideo Kojima the writer, but as far as I'm concerned, as a designer he can do no wrong.