The Queue

I miss your kissin' and I miss your...

Electronics Boutique called me today to let me know that they had in my three copies of Silent Hill 4: The Room. Yes, three whole copies. I guess that's what happens when you place your reservation with the newhire.

So I went and got my copy, and immediately came home and threw it onto my stack of games that I won't even get around to playing for a month. At the moment this only contains Front Mission 4 and Dragon Warrior VII, but I expect Gradius V, Katamari Damacy and Shadow Hearts II coming out one a week till the end of the month to complicate things. October and November will see the launches of behemoths GTA: San Andreas and Metal Gear Solid 3. Where were all these games back in June? Pretty soon I'm going to have to do things like go to class and work. And sleep!

Comments (2)

September 9, 2004, 1:50 AM

ToonHippie »

You're only going to play GTA: San Andreas for a month? Unbelievable. Unacceptable!

September 9, 2004, 2:33 AM

The grim reality is that I will probably play GTA until Metal Gear Solid 4 is out.

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