Older: June 2005
Newer: August 2005


helo from east village dunkin donuts wifi powr


Vegetable Surgery

Vegetable Surgery

Sometimes I'll draw something for the sketchbook, meaning that it's done sort of quickly and not super-polished, but I'll like the concept enough that I end up putting it in the gallery anyway. This is one of those times.


excellent excellent

So I'm going to New York on Thursday to KIKC IT with Johnny Palidor and Palidor Proper. We don't really have a lot of the week planned in detail except for a lot of eating, and that's actually only very vaguely-planned as well. We're going to hit mostly novelty places like Shopsin's, but beyond those we are undecided. Does anyone happen to have any good eating recommendations? I'll probably be doing some restaurant research in the next few days.

Top 5 objects I have used to destroy spiders

Nobody likes spiders. This is a widely-accepted fact. If you think you may be an exception, other people probably think you're weird.

Anyway, here is my list:

  1. Fire extinguisher
  2. Two (2) 12-pack soda cartons
  3. Automatic car window
  4. Nerf(tm) ball bazooka
  5. GIANT STOMP (The victim was actually a colossal mosquito hawk, but I am incredibly proud of this because it was flying at the time, so I have to include it.)

Now all my prospective employers will know that I am actually a coldblooded bug killer.

Composizione con torta di formaggio e l'amico gelatinoso

Composizione con torta di formaggio e l'amico gelatinoso

Click for full image.

AudioScrobbler Episode II: Moment of ZenScrobbler

So I just checked my AudioScobba and there's a now a banner ad right in the middle of the page.


I really can't think of anything to add. It's just too perfect.

Normally I enjoy irony

So about a week after negotiating all that trouble Internet Explorer was wreaking on the Website I'm working on, I decided to put together a nice print stylesheet, so people who want to print pages on the site can have a nice, document-looking version that's free from all the navigation menus and other elements that are pretty useless on paper. So I spent about half an hour making it look all nice and went to print out a few pages to see the results.


I'm going to play Tekken.

Update: Fixed! Apparently Safari and Firefox don't like it when you (I) use a title descriptor when declaring the stylesheet. I almost punched the screen when I hit Print Preview and the correct version came up.

Older: June 2005
Newer: August 2005