Sidebar stagnation

I've been bad about updating the sidebar links lately, but I'm trying to get back in the habit. What I have been doing pretty diligently is updating my links. In case you've never heard of it, is a "social bookmarks manager" that, after setting up a couple bookmarklets or Firefox plugin, lets you create and tag bookmarks that can be viewed easily from any computer. I've taken to using it instead of my in-browser bookmarks because it's so convenient, and it's great if you saw some random weird article and you need to find it again later. People also use it to keep up on current memes via the popular tag, but I haven't really gotten into that yet.

Anyway, the point is: if you love random links and you rely on my sidebar for your fix instead of all those other sites, there may be some on my page that haven't yet shown up here (and there are some, for one reason or another, that never will).

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