Yesterday's news, today!

I couldn't find the image I wanted

So despite how much I enjoy sleeping in (especially when clients don't even call in the morning), I managed to get out to EB yesterday morning to stand in the Wii line. At 8 AM I was the seventh in line and they ended up taking 13 preorders, so I can take comfort in knowing that I'll be getting a Wii at launch without having to camp out overnight at Best Buy (although I may drive by the line just for fun).

I was expecting that waiting out in the cold for two hours would mostly involve repeated glances at my watch, but it actually turned out to be pretty fun. I got to hang out with a bunch of other game geeks and play some Mario Kart. (We were only out-geeked by the guy at the head of the line, who not only was playing Ultimate Ghouls 'n' Ghosts on his ceramic white PSP, but showed up at 5 AM that morning and on Tuesday for the PS3.) After the karting wrapped up, we discussed what games and controller loadouts people were reserving with their Wii (mine: Zelda, Excite Truck, extra wiimote), and chatted a little about the PS3, about which people were actually pretty enthusiastic.

The only downside of this preorder business is that now whenever I read some blog post about the Wii, I become filled with this intense impatience that it's not already November 19th. The most ridiculous thing is that when I imagine bringing the box home and setting it up, what am I most eager to do? Not Zelda, not Excite Truck, not even Wii Sports. It's setting up my stupid Mii. I think it's not because the games don't interest me, but more because I like the idea spreading this little custom-created character around the Internet1, sort of like some of the patterns I've created in Animal Crossing. Also I guess I'm just really weird.

1 I have no idea if it actually does this.

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