The First and Second Annual MySpace Stupid Haircut Awards! (and their superhero alter egos)

Wes Anderson's American Express commercial

Version 2.1 of the Web is now available, featuring significant improvements over the older 2.0 version.

Raph Koster looks at a transition away from "Big Development" towards digital distribution in the next-next-gen. (That's like PS4, Xbox 3602, Wawawiiwa next-next-gen.)

Average Homeboy! Do yourself a favor and just don't watch this. I'm really sorry for linking it.

Forum thread full of console mods by Kotomi. I love the purple Super Famicom, and also anything in Revolution white and blue. Arrh I mean Wii!!


Glowing firefly squid. What the I want to be there right now

Ice wall crashing game. I can't wait for this to hit the Wii.

Mike Davidson exorcises the ugly out of MySpace.

I will now always imagine Jesus speaking with this voice


Naked Melee Armageddon!! TIME TO GET CLICKIN`

Here's me wishing I got Japanese TV for the 1928510th time.

Hitler[AoE]: ROFLMAO

The full list of groups Rob Corddry hates from the Daily Show's 'Racist Like Me' segment.

The Escapist reports on Wal-Mart's surprisingly strong influence on game development. is a Web-based clipboard. I've wanted something like this ever since I went dual-platform.

Interview with Henk Rogers, Tetris tycoon and gameplay rapist. At least I still have my original Gameboy Tetris in case they decide to build the next iteration entirely around T-spins.

Inexplicably hysterical: human feedback machine

A look at how Metroid's rise to one of Nintendo's flagship series after years of hibernation.

Guy Petzall writes crazy letters of inquiry to various corporations.

Helicopter fly VS anime girl

15 best skylines in the world. Go Asia, go Asia.

How to create a vector illustration of a cruise ship. Step 1: Cancel any other plans and appointments.

An [adverb] thorough analysis of every Beatles song

Invisible Library is an index of fictional books. But where's Tobin's Spirit Guide??!?!?!?

Script for the pilot episode of This Crazy Industry! The only thing that could make this more perfect would be Hideo Kojima.

"[PlayStation 2 is] historic, a mass-market appliance that fundamentally changes society in the way the printing press did." Trip Hawkins seriously creeps me out.

The final word is hooray!

Now! Perfect your 2D bullet-dodging technique on the go with BulletGBA! This almost makes me want a GB Micro.