
Well, here I am on the last day of summer, although the view out the window is of one of the foggiest summers on record. Of course, I mean that classes are ready to start up again tomorrow, and I'll have to tone down the marathon sessions of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance from the last week or so (which, coincidentally, may be why I haven't updated much lately).

This quarter should be interesting. I'm taking a more advanced print class with the much-talked-about Luke Matjas. I'm hoping he's going to do mostly digital, since he seems like a digital guy, but it should be a good experience regardless.

Chinese I've got mixed feelings about, mostly about the whole having to relearn how to read and write aspect. The books seem manageable, though. At the moment, I'm mainly hoping that the professor will be considerate enough to lead some of the discussions in English.

Perhaps more intimidating is my Japanese classics course, being an upper-division course with more books than I used all of last year. (I suppose that would no longer be true if I had actually purchased the suggested titles for black studies 5.) I thought it would be a lot of reading when I walked out of the bookstore on Thursday with the four or five paperbacks they had on the shelves, so imagine my surprise when I went back a few days later to check for one that had been out of stock and there were suddenly three or four more books that I hadn't even seen. Yeah.

Last but not least, there's psych 103 with the infamous Dr. Fridlund, which I'm sure will be enjoyable, despite the 9:30 start time.

I think I will make some chili now.

Comments (5)

September 22, 2003, 4:53 AM

Aniras »

Everyone knows you'll learn more about life playing FFTA than you will taking ``classes``...also you need to take more Deutsch you dumbnagel

September 22, 2003, 5:16 PM

Just out of curiosity, what will you be reading in your "Japanese Classics" class?

September 22, 2003, 9:40 PM

Ich kenne was du bist, aber was bin ich??????????

Here is the Japanese 112 reading list:

Osamu Dazai - The Setting Sun

Yasunari Kawabata - Snow Country

Yukio Mishima - After the Banquet

Yukio Mishima - Death in Midsummer and Other Stories

Yukio Mishima - Spring Snow

Kenzaburo Oe - A Personal Matter

Natsume Soseki - And Then

Natsume Soseki - Kokoro

Junichiro Tanizaki - The Key

September 23, 2003, 11:41 PM

Indo Tenbuki »

Interesting. I had to read Mishima, Oe, and Tanizaki in another class, but different works (I forget which at the moment).

October 9, 2003, 1:04 AM

lamar »

I beated u r f-zero times :[[[[

Skip class and practice,

Go home and be a family man!

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