Older: Shaving for Men
Newer: Hah

Ladybug invasion (in which I introduce an exciting new game)

I'm in the process of developing an exciting new game called "Count the Cellphones." (auf Deutsch: Zählen Sie die Handys) Basically, it involves counting the number of people you see talking away on their phones during a certain amount of time. I think each sighting will count as one point, and then bonus points will be awarded under certain conditions. For instance, if the person is riding a bike or using a headset it might count as two points, and then if there's someone riding a bike and using a headset, that could be three points. I think if someone is driving a car, it'll be one point regardless of whether or not they have a headset or not, since that's sort of common. Of course, if they're talking while doing some other non-driving task, like eating a taco or shaving or something, that could be maybe five or six points.

I'll think of more bonus conditions later.