The Last Samurai

Everyone ought to go see this movie. As my zany ethics professor explained, ought implies an obligation, so yes, you are all now obligated to see this movie. I'm trying to think back on all the movies I've seen since January and figure out if any of them were quite as good as this, because I'd like to say it's the best movie I've seen this year. So far I'm not really remembering any.

Tom Cruise isn't as bad as I expected him to be. In fact, he's not bad at all. Ken Watanabe was excellent, as well, along with much of the supporting cast.

Hans Zimmer's soundtrack was effective accompaniment, but I felt it would have benefited a lot from a little more distinctive of a sound. Ah well. I'll still give it another listen.

I'm wondering if maybe I am just a sucker for Asian landscapes/ambiance, or because I find the Bushido code so inspiring, or what. Let me know what you thought if you've seen this yet.

Also, remember: "You cannot escape... ruahhhn def."

Comments (1)

December 13, 2003, 2:42 AM

Indo Tenbuki »

I saw the movie yesterday, and I was sitting next to a guy and his girlfriend who would laugh at the most inappropriate moments. Like when the unprepared Japanese soldiers fought the samurai for the first time, and Colonel Bagley said "Mr. Graham, will you accompany me to the rear?" Those two couldn't stop laughing for a couple minutes. In retrospect, they must have been high.

Great movie, though. That, Kill Bill Volume 1, Finding Nemo, and Mighty Wind are my top four films of 2003.

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