Older: Dude
Newer: Who will win?? #2


After lunch today I paid a visit to the Corner Store to acquire some peachy-O's. Peachy-O's are definitely the finest of all the bulk candies. The whole Trolli line of gummy fruity-O's are excellent (especially the decidedly non-O strawberry puffs), but the peachy variety is definitely the best of the bunch.

But anyway, they were all out of peachy-O's, which I don't really understand because, as I just explained, peachy-O's are the finest of all the bulk candies. But they didn't have any, so I ended up buying sour apple and watermelon fruit belts. Not even the strawberry kind, because they didn't have any of those, either. (Really, someone should get ahold of whoever does the bulk ordering.)

So, what I've been getting to is I ended up eating a bunch of these sour belts, and now my mouth is definitely paying for it. If you've ever eaten more than one of these things at a time, you know what I'm talking about. They are practically serrated.

Comments (1)

February 20, 2004, 10:56 AM

Spiffy Hamster »

My mouth is already imploding.

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