Save yourselves

Today was the second day of staff training at Instructional Computing, and it was awful. Having to be there all day listening to workshops on things like Mathematica and, god, Photoshop is really putting me in a poor mindset to work there. I'm sure I'll feel better about it once work actually starts and I'm back in the media lab. And, more optimistically, at least I was with the returning consultants group. The newhires had to spend four hours on Word and Excel.

But anyway. After lunch we reconvened to go over Microsoft Access, which, if you are unfamiliar with, does database and related document management. The workshop leader mentioned to us that as the workshop progressed we should provide suggestions for how the new consultants should advise users with Access questions. After about half an hour of going over tables and queries and forms and reports and so on, I think the best thing to tell anyone asking how to use Access would be to just change their major right away so there's not even a chance they'll end up doing Access for a living. Seriously. Get out of there.

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