
I can't remember the last time I was as torn over some decision as this Chinese thing. That is, whether or not to continue studying the language.

If you'll take a look at my current schedule, you'll notice that class is at 9 AM five days a week. The only other time it's offered this quarter is 8 AM, which is HORRIBLE. It also leaves this irritating two-hour gap between my classes three days a week. One hour gaps are tolerable because I can just go somewhere and do some work or check my email or something, and three hours is enough time to go home for a while, but a free two hours has always been awkward.

The class is also a lot of constant work and not necessary to graduate. If I dropped it I would have significantly more free time weeknights and could take a disgustingly minimal number of units until June. In the short term, if I weren't taking the class I could also sit here for another three hours before having to go to campus.

On the other hand, it would be a shame to stop halfway through the series, especially when this is supposedly the last quarter of new grammar. And, of course, it's not like it hasn't been interesting.

This week should be fun.

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