Doomed to a life of mono

A couple days ago, my right earbud inexplicably stopped working. Actually, I shouldn't say "inexplicably," since I'm pretty sure that what caused the malfunction is the earbuds being the $2 Coby variety from Fry's. (That's like a dollar per bud!) They were pretty good during the couple months they lasted, though.

This incident just adds to the evidence that something out there is trying to keep me from getting that right channel. Last spring, a faulty connector caused my right speaker to go out intermittently. When I went home over the summer, the old stereo receiver there decided it was going to cut out its right channel as well. (Fun fact: Did you know that if you only listen to the left half of "Yellow Submarine," you get an easy instrumental version?) And now that I'm back at school and fixed the connector problem, my earbud goes out, which, among other things, strips most of the guitar melody from "Desolation Row." Fortunately, after tomorrow, I don't expect to have to spend as much time in the paint studio for a while.

In the meantime, I'm back in the market for some headphones. I'm considering the Apple earbuds—wait, did Apple stop selling those variable-size earbuds? I can't find them anywhere in the store. Way to lose a sale, guys! (Update: The "in-ear headphones" have resurfaced at the brand new Apple iPod Store.)

Anyway, recommendations are welcome.

Comments (2)

October 24, 2004, 8:50 PM

Piccolo »

I am still using my original earbuds that came with the B&W Gameboy. They still work fine after 15 years. Also I have been using little foamy earbud covers from radioshack to make them not fall out of my ears.

November 2, 2004, 12:03 PM

I was using the Gameboy ones for a long time as well but now I use Sennheiser earbuds. They even come with little foamy things that you can use to cover them if you like.