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Superman Returns

This is kind of late since I saw the movie last week, but here's the stuff that comes to mind when I look back on Superman Returns. (may contain minor spoilers)

- Was this Superman Junior or something? Although Brandon Routh looks eerily like Christopher Reeve, he seemed a bit young to be playing the Man of Steel. (Even Dean Cain1 looked younger than I imagine Superman to be.) Also, I can overlook Routh, but Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane? She would have been 18 when Superman left. (I was going to make some remark about how I'm older than she is, but I looked it up and she beats me by a maddening three days.)

- I think Kevin Spacey actually is Lex Luthor.

- I wonder if Bryan Singer is a big fan of Harold and Kumar2, what with all the lingering shots of the dialogue-less Kal Penn.

- As anticlimactic as the ending was, Superman saving the plane and the aftermath with everyone erupting into applause was the most incredible thing I've seen in the theater this year. Also, the opening titles = great. Thanks, Mr. Singer. (Please go direct X4 now.)

- Could you please stop killing characters off for no reason???? Oh wait, that's for my Serenity post later on.

1 Lois & Clark was pretty good.
2 what the lol

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