Older: I hate Datacities
Newer: 斑鳩

Neue Dinge

Wow, what a fun night!

I've been getting back into a productive zone lately. Artwise, that is, since I still predict I'll be up late into the night next Wednesday developing a thesis for my second blackblackblack paper. But anyway, I made a wallpaper based on the Japanese site for P.N.03, which I rather like and am using right now. I also finished the second project for my print class, which is sort of a synaesthetic abstraction of a song by I am Robot and Proud. It turned out nicely. The process was a bit more expensive than I planned, though, and since I ended up making so many copies of them I'm considering offering some for sale. They're very nice, clean prints, although they're not as sharp as the original you'll see here, of course. They're about 8x8" and are on light blue or cream colored paper. Let me know if you'd be interested. I'm not really expecting any response to this, but if I can manage to make even a little of the money back, I'd be happy.

Anyway. I'm hoping to stay on this productive track. There are a couple of pieces I've been meaning to do since the beginning of the year, which is kind of sad. The same thing happened last year, and I'd rather not have this turn into an annual tradition.

Blablabla. Matrix Reloaded on Wednesday! I think we're going to watch the original Matrix that afternoon, just to make sure we're meeting our nerdity quota for the day.

Here it is, your moment of Zen.

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