So he was like, then she was all, and then the shower drain was like BLSKAKLwhroiahjkDLHJeaoihj

Stuff I saw today:

So we have had some plumbing problems in this apartment. Earlier this week I was sort of dismayed when, at the end of my shower, there was about an inch of water that had accumulated on the floor of the shower. The next day that water had grown to about an inch and a half, and it appeared shortly after the shower began. It was quite disgusting, but I managed not to think about it too much. Jason seemed equally dismayed. That afternoon we poured some ultra-strength, goo/skin/metal-dissolving Drano into it and it did the trick. I can tell it was successful because we now have the absolute loudest drain I have ever heard. Every morning now sounds something akin to

<me> shower, shower
<drain> GLRLURLGLRglrgRUGLRGGGgggrlgrgLGLLgrrrrrg

I think what I am hearing must be the sound of the water as it reaches the end of the pipe through various processing facilities miles away and empties out into the sea.

Anyway. I was also playing Marvel vs. Capcom in the UCen in a brief lull between doing things. It happens to be a Japanese machine, and when Onslaught does his little mid-round speech, instead of "Behold my mighty hand!" he spurted out two full screen-widths' worth of Japanese. I'm thinking the original Japanese may have said something different.


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