Xtreme Website updating

I am back here at home, at the computer. I will talk about my trips and other things at a later time. For now, how about things that I did today?

I put some new art into the sketchbook for the first time in a couple months. I am satisfied. I also hope to add at least one image per day, and if I can get my act together, complete a larger-scale project every week or two. We'll see how that goes.

I also set every image in the photo galleries to use the new gallery script. Now they look all nice like the rest of the gallery. I'm going to add titles and comments later. I expect that will be the usual blend of fun and masochistic tedium that anyone with a Website must be all too familiar with. It's going to rule.

Maybe a couple months ago I was griping over the inability to produce card suits in HTML. Well, I happened to be reading through an HTML manual in a bookstore recently (I always find the special character sections entertaining.) and it turns out that it is indeed possible. Observe:

♠ ♦ ♣ ♥


I also found out that HTML supports my most beloved mathematical entity, the wonderful ∴ symbol. Unfortunately, its cousin, the because, does not appear to work in any of my browsers at the moment, although several sources have provided a character code. I'll keep hoping.

I have 101 new photos to put up, and two weeks of stuff to write about. I will do some of that tomorrow.

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