And me B.Laden

So apparently they're after bin Laden again/still. I wonder if I ought to be carrying out my own search, although I really have no idea where to begin. Probably outside of Isla Vista. Javan's is kind of shady, but it's not a spider-hole kind of shady.

I just think it would be pretty cool talking to people after you cash the ginormous check from the FBI. They'd be all, "Dude, so how come you quit your job?" And you'd be all, "Dude, because I caught Osama bin Laden."

Comments (2)

March 9, 2004, 11:41 AM

Arnias »

All you need to reach your goal are unmanned Predator drones !!

"Unmanned Predator drones, flying closer at 25,000 feet, are equipped with cameras that can spot vehicles and people and special radar that can operate through clouds. Some of the Predators may also carry Hellfire missiles."

Don't forget the motion-sensative Hellfire missiles!!!! Try to cross the border now TERRORISTS (or anyone)

March 9, 2004, 11:03 PM

hitler was »

hitler was not a nice man