Meg, you shouldn't have

I'm a star

I just got this amazing thing in my email from the 'Bay1. The whole gold star, blue star, etc. thing is such a 3rd grade cliche, but I had sort of discounted them using the things in that respect since stars are nice, generic symbols, too. Stars are cool. Then again, nothing screams 3rd grade like a big old certificate, especially when I'm encouraged to "display it proudly." (That was in the email.)

My favorite thing about this is that somewhere along the line, someone looked at this and said, "This looks great. Let's send it to a bunch of users."

I'm looking forward to my sticker sheet when I hit 100.

1 I love calling it "the 'Bay."

Comments (2)

February 4, 2006, 1:10 AM

MC »


I mostly say this because I have been greatly looking forward to the next star when I reach 50 and you ruined the certificate for me :(

February 5, 2006, 11:15 PM

whoops eBay spoiler

Also here I am ruinng the next one for you: Congratulations!!

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