Top 5 Wikipedia protected deleted pages

Selected from the complete list, in alphabetical order:

  1. Caused over 1 million deaths
  2. Circle hand game
  3. Deez nuts
  4. Magma squids
  5. That's what she said

New in the gallery: The Protagonist

The Protagonist

New in the gallery: Caera 6

Caera 6

Putting the "Mac, wo?" in Macworld

where are you, my hole-riddled friend?

So another reason for my lack of excitement over the iPhone was that I was reeally expecting Apple to announce some new MacPros on Tuesday, so that I could commence with the buying. (You may have guessed.) This computer, a 450MHz G4, is really reaching the end of its usefulness. Admittedly, I'm very impressed by how fast it's able to run OS X, which probably says a lot about somethng. But, I'm making an effort to do more digital painting, and nothing stresses out an old computer like having a couple huge Photoshop files open. (And 25,000 iTunes songs. And hundreds of RSS articles in Safari. And whatever else I'm running simultaneously.)

I'd really like to just order one of the current MacPros right away, but when I bought this one they ended up announcing upgraded models only weeks after. So, I've learned my lesson. First I was waiting for the G5s. Then I was waiting for the Intel towers. Now I'm just waiting for one measly processor bump. And hopefully that'll be in the next couple months. As reliable as it's been, if I'm still using this G4 in January of 2008, I fully expect a recruitment letter from the Green Lantern Corps.

Einstein was crazy


Last week I saw Neatorama's post on 13 photographs that changed the world, which included the famous picture of Albert Einstein sticking out his tongue. The photo and the article's message that Einsten "would be remembered as much for his personality as for his brain" were apparently still fresh enough in my mind to cause me to dream about Einstein and his crazy antics.

For instance, I saw him walking through the halls at some university, discussing some complicated physics theories. When asked by his colleague what he thought, Einstein paused for a moment, stuck his tongue out with an accompanying BLEEAGGHH, and then skipped the opposite direction down the hall, making wild gestures with his hands.

Later on, Einstein snuck up on another professor as he was leaving a lecture hall, pulled a cane out of nowhere and hit the guy repeatedly with it, Three Stooges-style. He then somersaulted down some stairs and ran down the hall, making the same gesticulations as before.

The greatest thing about all this is, since I've never read anything about what Einstein's private life was like or seen him in any videos, this will be my prevailing concept of what Einstein was like. I will just always imagine him as a crazy prankster who sometimes beat people with canes.

So yeah: Einstein was CRAZY.

New in the gallery: HOIMI HUG


iAlready have a phone

I am probably the only person in the world1 who didn't immediately go crazy over the iPhone. Then again, the annual iPod upgrade announcements usually don't faze me, either. I'm the type who plans to get a long lifetime of use out of each electronic gizmo I buy, and I'm not an early adopter. Plus, five hundred ninety-nine US dollars!

I'm sure they'll sell like crazy, though. They'll probably really catch on once they come out with the 2nd and 3rd generation models. That's probably the point at which I'll start looking into getting one, too. After watching the keynote, I did start to see the appeal in some of the phone-oriented interfaces, like voicemail and SMS. And I definitely didn't need Steve Jobs to tell me about how terrible current phone OSes and applications are. It'll be interesting to see how the iPhone's little mutant version of OS X works out.

And! And! With the multitouch technology, my dream can finally be realized: OUENDAN 2: DUAL STYLUS BATTLE. Once that's announced, I'll be first in line.

1 Limited to my RSS feed and the more vocal among my buddy list.

Worst keynote ever

Where are the new Mac Pros, Steve??? I had my USB shopping trigger all hooked up and ready to pull.

Also, congratulations to John Mayer for coming up with "the exact opposite of terrorism." I'm pretty sure it's impossible to sound any stupider without either being scripted or Mel Gibson.

Animal Crossing Wii ideas, part 2

Here's the second part of my Animal Crossing Wii brainstorming. As I mentioned in part 1, this covers how you interact with the game and everything relating to wi-fi.

One of Animal Crossing: Wild World's biggest shortcomings is the interface itself. For a game involving so many frequently-repeated tasks and interactions, the interface was painfully unwieldy and slow. I won't get into too many specifics about what I'd like to see in the Wii version's inevitably streamlined interface, but at the top of the list are fewer unnecessary, repeated conversations (such as the little raccoons' explanation of what the top floor of the shop contains, every time you go upstairs), the ability to cycle through tools with a single button, and a less laggy interface overall.

There's the question of how the Wii remote might be used to control the game, and an obvious option would be to have the pointer mimic the DS's stylus control scheme. However, just as Wild World offered several control options, so will the Wii version. Besides the pointer mode, there'd be a hybrid mode that would use both the classic controller and the wiimote, almost simultaneously. (Finally, a reason to have the wiimote just hanging off to the side.) Basic control would be done using the classic controller and would be similar to using the DS buttons in Wild World, but at the touch of a button you could drop into a first-person perspective and manipulate things like the fishing rod, net, and watering can with the wiimote. Or you could just look around, or take photos using the new camera tool.

By the way, the camera would have an option to take a picture of your character, so you could send friends your photo to put in their house, complete with a custom motto on the back.

When Nintendo first announced the Mii Channel, almost instantly rumors spread that the next Animal Crossing would use miis for players' characters. This will be true to a point; miis will be used as template for new characters, but they will be rendered with Animal Crossing's traditional look. Of course, you'll still be able to visit the shops and get a new outfit, hats, haircuts, etc. This will actually yield the most intriguing interaction between AC Wii and miis—you'll be able to export certain accessories to the Mii Channel to use in other mii-supporting games.

The game's online mode will be designed to take advantage of the always-on nature of WiiConnect24. If you opt to leave your gate open and then put the Wii in standby mode, friends will be able to visit even when you're not playing. During one of these unaccompanied visits, visitors will be limited to the central village area which will be stored in RAM. (They'll be able to explore the outskirts when you're playing along with them, of course.) In order to stave off potential vandals, you'll be able to customize a "safe mode" setting that will limit visitors from chopping trees, trampling flowers, picking up items, etc.

Finally, what sorts of mail gifts can we expect from Nintendo this time around? Beyond the occasional gifts, you'll see new items added to the catalog, new fish and bugs, new villagers, and even new events and gameplay elements released in periodic patches. With genuinely new content constantly added, Animal Crossing Wii will stay interesting longer, even to veterans of previous versions.

So, those are my ideas for now. Some may be a bit farfetched, but I'm just throwing stuff out. As far as Animal Crossing goes, I see the Wii as a DS on steroids, meaning it's free of the handheld's technical limitations and has the potential to be expandable. I can't wait to see what the developers decide to do.