Putting the "Mac, wo?" in Macworld

where are you, my hole-riddled friend?

So another reason for my lack of excitement over the iPhone was that I was reeally expecting Apple to announce some new MacPros on Tuesday, so that I could commence with the buying. (You may have guessed.) This computer, a 450MHz G4, is really reaching the end of its usefulness. Admittedly, I'm very impressed by how fast it's able to run OS X, which probably says a lot about somethng. But, I'm making an effort to do more digital painting, and nothing stresses out an old computer like having a couple huge Photoshop files open. (And 25,000 iTunes songs. And hundreds of RSS articles in Safari. And whatever else I'm running simultaneously.)

I'd really like to just order one of the current MacPros right away, but when I bought this one they ended up announcing upgraded models only weeks after. So, I've learned my lesson. First I was waiting for the G5s. Then I was waiting for the Intel towers. Now I'm just waiting for one measly processor bump. And hopefully that'll be in the next couple months. As reliable as it's been, if I'm still using this G4 in January of 2008, I fully expect a recruitment letter from the Green Lantern Corps.

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