The Internet, summarized

I can't say exactly when this happened, but a few years ago I transcended from a Normal Internet User to an Internet Zen Master. Nowadays I'll skim through forums and blog comments, taking in interesting opinions and observing the frequent Internet Argument. When I run into the latter, I'll read a bit of it and then just smirk knowingly and return to my chair, surrounded by countless monitors displaying countless locales around the Web. I try not to meddle in the affairs of these Normal Internet Users, or attempt to show them the foolishness of what they do, because that would just be absurd. It would be like the sphere trying to explain itself to the Flatlanders. Some day, I think to myself, stroking my impeccably-groomed, white beard. Some day they'll all understand.

Anyway, I felt the need to write that out because I noticed that someone else gets it. Over on this thread responding to a totally asinine uproar over some Spider-Man statuette (we're still on the Internet, remember), user infinata leaves this gem:

If you're not outraged, then clearly you don't have enough free time.

The next time you start typing a reply to the top ten reasons to buy your dog an Xbox 360 instead of a PlayStation 3, or you turn on your webcam to record a video response to anything, please consider those words.

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