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This weekend we finally had the first rain of the season. (That sounds so rustic.) It happened mostly without any warning, save for the extremely overcast sky, but the sky's been like that off and on for the last few weeks. Morgan and I were sitting outside of Costco enjoying a $1.50 hotdog and drink (or at least I was), and then the next moment it was pouring. There were audible cries of dismay from all the other patrons, hahaha. I'm fine with rain any day, though, so I was pleased when it continued to rain an incredible amount through the night.

Later that evening, the daily 9AM classes finally caught up with me, because I got my first cold of the quarter. Usually it shows up the first weekend, and considering how little sleep I've been getting this quarter I'm surprised it took so long. So, today turned out to be pretty unproductive, mostly consisting of Unreal Tournament and staring at my blank Chinese worksheets. I made some pasta for dinner, which, if memory serves me right, isn't the greatest thing to eat with a cold. There are few things better than a large bowl of pasta, though, and I wasn't about to turn that down just because of some lame cold.

Current music: Benny Hill theme

Current mood: LOLlivejournal

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