Meat melon

A few weeks ago I decided that going to Nobuo Uematsu's Dear Friends concert in San Francisco would be more fun than attending a couple days of classes during the last week before finals, so tomorrow afternoon Morgan and I will be heading up to the Bay Area until Tuesday. Then we'll be back for about a week (to take finals, I guess) before flying over to Boston to visit William for the weekend.

I'm a little concerned over what sort of clothes to pack for the trip, though. I keep hearing rumors that it sometimes snows in Boston. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I've gotten in a lot of practice with my umbrella during the last few weeks so I'm guessing I'll be all set. I just hope we can still make it out to see the Statue of Liberty.

Comments (3)

March 7, 2005, 10:04 PM

MC »

wait what Boston

You should stop by so I can kill you!!!I mean say hello to you

March 8, 2005, 7:29 PM

palidoo »

"I keep hearing rumors that it sometimes snows in Boston. I have to admit I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I've gotten in a lot of practice with my umbrella during the last few weeks so I'm guessing I'll be all set."


March 8, 2005, 9:17 PM

momo »

It'll be exciting to go to Boston. Hopefully there's more to eat there besides baked beans and cream pie, but I doubt it.